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In the preparation of this site every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct and clearly expressed information possible. Nonetheless, inadvertent errors can occur and applicable laws, rules and regulations may change.
The information contained in this site is general and is not intended to serve as advice. No warranty is given in relation to the accuracy or reliability of any information. Users should not act or fail to act on the basis of information contained herein. Users are encouraged to consult with ExpressTax for advice concerning specific matters before making any decision.

ExpressTax disclaims all and any liability to any person in respect of anything or in consequence of anything done or omitted to be done by any person or user in reliance, whether whole or partial, upon any information contained herein.

No part of the text or graphics on this site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including by photocopying, facsimile transmission, recording, re-keying or using any information, storage and retrieval system, without the prior permission in writing from ExpressTax. Request for permission or further information should be addressed to  ExpressTax.

Electronic addresses are published on this site for professional communications only and do not constitute an invitation to send unsolicited commercial emails which do not relate to ExpressTax business.

Certain links on the site lead to resources located on servers maintained by third parties over whom ExpressTax has no control. As such, ExpressTax makes no representation as to the accuracy, currency or any other aspect of the information contained on such servers or the timely, accurate or complete transmittal of such information.

Privacy Policy

ExpressTax has adopted a set of principles that demonstrate our commitment to privacy. We have set out these principles so that you are aware of how we gather, update and distribute personal information.

The Firm respects the privacy rights of all persons in the conduct of its business. Furthermore, the Firm is committed to ensuring that all Partners involved in the management of the Firm comply at all times with their obligations under the Privacy Act.

The Firm will adhere to the requirements of the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) at all times. These principles are:

  1. Collection
  2. Use and disclosure
  3. Data quality
  4. Data security
  5. Openness
  6. Access and correction
  7. Identifiers
  8. Anonymity
  9. Transborder data flows
  10. Sensitive Information


Applicable to all permanent, contract and casual employees of the Firm.


The Firm will only collect personal information where that information is necessary for one or more of the firm's functions or activities. Further, the information will only be collected by lawful and fair means and not in an unreasonably intrusive way.

The information collected would only be used for an unrelated purpose where the person has consented to further use.

Any personal or confidential information held in respect of employees and clients will be kept in a secure location.

Personal information regarding an person's income details, residential address or other aspects of their work and/or financial history will not be given to or confirmed with third parties without the prior consent of the person unless required by law.

Client information

The Firm holds significant private and confidential information on behalf of and regarding clients. The Firm and its employees recognise that at all times the information is to remain within the organisation. Only at the request of the client or to comply with legal requirements will any information be released to third parties.

Our website

At ExpressTax we have focused on implementing fair information practices that are designed to protect your privacy. We are also keen to understand better what our visitors most appreciate on our site, and the sections and pages they deem of most interest. This will allow us to gear to the preference of our general audience.

Terms & Conditions

Tax back in 7 days refers to 7 working days and is dependent on the Australian Tax Office processing times.  Express Tax will organise the refund based on the information and documentation provided by the client.

Express Tax is not responsible for the refund of tax where:

  • the client has already applied and received a refund;
  • the client has provided information which is false, inaccurate, incorrect, insufficient or misleading in any way;
  • the client has a tax debt with the tax office

When the client signs a Power of Attorney permitting Express Tax to organise his/her refunds, he/she is agreeing to pay the fee to Express Tax for the organisation of the refund.

When the client submits a registration on the Express Tax website and he/she ticks the box agreeing that Express Tax should organise its refunds, this is accepted in lieu of a physical signature as an authorisation by the client to Express Tax to proceed and organise his/her refund and that the client agrees to pay the fee.

If the relevant Tax Office, sends the due refund to the client directly, rather than to Express Tax, the client still owes the processing fee in full to Express Tax for the service rendered.

For additional value-added services provided by Express Tax to the client, additional fees will be charged to cover associated administrative and management costs. Such additional services include, but are not limited to, document retrieval, residency and non-residency document organisation where relevant, amendment preparation for previous returns, and certain payment options.

Express Tax will send the refund to the client as agreed with the client.

Where Express Tax receives the money from the tax office, it will deduct its fee from the amount sent to the client.

In the case of payment by cheque or International money transfer, Express Tax has no control over the fees charged locally by banks in cashing the cheque.

Unless requested to do otherwise by the client, Express Tax will advise current and past clients of:

  • all new refunds that they may be entitled too as and when information becomes available from the respective tax authorities;
  • all new services that they may avail of with Express Tax ;
  • all new services offered by Express Tax and associated companies.

From time to time, Express Tax may amend or add to these Terms and Conditions should the need arise. Such changes will be posted on the web-site terms and conditions.

The submission of a registration to Express Tax, by web, post, hand, fax, or email, constitutes agreement to these Terms & Conditions, including amendments thereto, by the client.

Express Tax ensures that all client information is held as private and confidential.

Online applications

When the customer submits an online application on the expresstaxback website and he/she ticks the box to appoint Express Tax as tax agents and to organise his/her refunds, this is accepted in lieu of a physical signature as an authorisation by the customer to Express Tax  to proceed and organise his/her refund.




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平均返金額 $3,187**



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*専門会計協会メンバー (NTAA)


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*日本語フリーコール: 1800 59 49 49
*ご来店にて申請:Level 6, 155 Castlereagh St, Sydney

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*日本語フリーコール: 1800 59 49 49
*ご来店にて申請:Level 6, 155 Castlereagh St, Sydney


National Tax & Accountants' Association Terms apply now © 1995-2022 expresstax All rights reserved