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7日でタックスバック - 書類に記入して送るだけ!

» which refund would you like? - (お申込み内容)
super refund
both tax & super
» please give me a discount
working holiday 482 visa NZ online discount
» contact details (ご連絡先)
family, last name - (苗字) *
first name - (名前) *
email address - (メールアドレス) *
re-type your email (メールアドレス確認) *
Australian mobile
home country mobile
parent contact number (for emergency)
» your details
date of birth* - (生年月日)
gender (male/female) - (性別) male female
tax file number (タックスファイルナンバー)
date arrived in Australia - (入国日)
date left / leaving Australia - (出国日)
postal address - parent home (cheque sent if bank account closed) - (日本のご住所)
the country you're in now? - (滞在中の国)
how did you hear about us?
» details for payment of refund (返還金振込先詳細)
australian bank account (オーストラリアの銀行口座)   

non-australian bank account (他国の銀行口座)   

post a cheque
I will advise later (まだ決めていない)


australian bank details (オーストラリアの口座詳細)
account number (口座番号)
name of bank (銀行名)
» employment details (お仕事の詳細)
how many jobs or super funds
passport number (if known)
passport country
visa type (417, student etc)
job 1 (仕事 1 )
gross payment (before tax) (総収入)
tax withheld (paid) (所得税)
approx start date (開始日)
approx finish date (離職日)
business name & abn (会社名と会社番号)
occupation (職業)
superannuation fund name (スーパーアニュエーション名)
membership number (会員番号)
other information?

 * (*以上の情報は正しいものであるという保証のもと、Expresstaxを私のTax Agentとして任命し、私の代理としてタックスリターン申請をする権限を認めます。)
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